Please click on the link above. You get to sign up and earn money off of your web site, and plus you can help out IBH. Its free what do you have to lose?
Imperial Bounty Hunters Home page
Rules you need to read and accept to join IBH.
1.You must keep IBH_ in front of your name at all times.
2.You must compeat in clan wars. If you miss more than 2 in a row you will be droped as a member.
3.ONLY LdR's and GnL's will be able to recruit people. Than if you are second in command you must inform me that you recruited someone or they will not be a member untill I know.
4.You don't need Mplayer, but it is pretty useful. You can get it at It is free, and easy to use. It is alot like Heat but I think it is better.
5.You either need AIM (Aol Instant Messager)or (ICQ. It is yor choice but, you need one or the other.) Witch you can get it at It is free and easy to use its just so we can talk faster than E-Mail.
6. If you don't have Aim you will need ICQ. It is your choice but yu need one of them. Wich you can get at
I will list members in order by rank on "The Imperial Bounty Hunters" page.
This is the place were you can join the best TFC clan there is. Imperial Bounty Hunters (IBH).